Saturday, March 27, 2010

Oh lazy dazy fun times Saturday....

The weekend is finally here....hooray! The last two weeks have been crazy, sick baby, jacked up back, so glad to finally feel back to my normal :-) This past week was finals week. So stressful, but worth it, all my students passed, all did well, they made it. I love that they are learning, but I hate the fact that they hate me for it while it is happening, I guess the appreciate it in the end, if they become Peds nurses I can only know that I did my very best! I love this new job of mine. I spent so much time in the one I had before trying to fix things, doing work that was not mine to do, and working 50 hour weeks practically missing Corbin's first year...all for what? I didn't make a difference, my boss just wanted more, more and more with no appreciation...ugh! I have dealt with sooooo much guilt over the past few months since leaving that job. Not knowing his favorite things, him wanting Chris when he is hurt or sick, feeling like an outsider to my life :-(
All hitting hard a few weeks ago when he turned one. Realizing how much I had missed, took me to the fact that i had to stop breastfeeding bc of his allergies, just made me feel like a shitty mother all around. I KNOW that my kids are #1, I KNOW that I am a good mom. I think the job I had really jacked up my priorities.
Anyway, I am glad to be teaching again, with a wonderful group and a wonderful boss. Family first, I spend so much time now with my guys and our life has become so much better. Things are really falling into place, I just hate that it took so long for me to find normal again.
Started a new diet, and exercise schedule. Abs for Women. So far I have lost 4 lbs this week, 30 to Going to do some fun things today, spend family time, no worries, no stress about what, when and how to fit things in, no thinking about work and deadlines......just us....God it feels good!!!!

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