Monday, July 26, 2010

Soooo.....I've definately been a blogging slacker!

SO.....I'm a slacker. Blogging is new to me, that and I have been REALLY busy. So, as an update, since March. Chris and I went to Mexico, will post pics later......HANDS DOWN BEST VACATION EVER! Came home from Mexico, quit my job, only to decide to stay and that I was meant to teach. I lost 14 lbs, but after Mexico....ugh! Anyway, starting this new diet that my mom recommended, as her coworkers have found alot of success using it. Its called the HCG diet. I am NOT by far the type of "jump on the bandwagon girl" when it comes to fad diets. I didn't do Atkins, I didn't do South Beach. I joined Weight Watchers....thats about it. :-) So we shall see, I will be sure to keep you all updated! So for now this is it, I have many things to post, Mexican Vacay, details about the boys and me and Chris. I need to light a fire under it, can't be a good blog without key details! Talk to you soon!

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