Monday, July 26, 2010

Day 1 of the VLCD on HCG Diet.....

SO today was my first VLCD day. I would just like to confirm the fact that the people that have posted on various sites that there is no hunger involved and that it is easy peasy......ARE FULL OF SHIT! OMG, I am so hungry. I think the biggest problem is habit, kind of like when I quit smoking, it was kicking the habit part that made it so hard, not only the physical part. Same with this diet. ITS SO HARD! Especially when you have kids who eat all the time and I am a snacker....always have been, especially a LATE night snacker. Hence the weighty issue I have got going on :-) So, I keep trying to tell myself, that just like quitting smoking, detoxing my body and learning to eat right again is going to be really tough, but will get easier. Because right now, all i really want is to gorge myself on junk food, or pasta, or shit that I know I can't have, only because I can't have them. that I have ranted, I would just like to say, I am not giving up over a little hunger....however, I also want to be "real" and say.....this process SUCKS ASS! So we shall see in a few days what the scale says and if feeling this way is worth it.....

ON to day 2.......

Soooo.....I've definately been a blogging slacker!

SO.....I'm a slacker. Blogging is new to me, that and I have been REALLY busy. So, as an update, since March. Chris and I went to Mexico, will post pics later......HANDS DOWN BEST VACATION EVER! Came home from Mexico, quit my job, only to decide to stay and that I was meant to teach. I lost 14 lbs, but after Mexico....ugh! Anyway, starting this new diet that my mom recommended, as her coworkers have found alot of success using it. Its called the HCG diet. I am NOT by far the type of "jump on the bandwagon girl" when it comes to fad diets. I didn't do Atkins, I didn't do South Beach. I joined Weight Watchers....thats about it. :-) So we shall see, I will be sure to keep you all updated! So for now this is it, I have many things to post, Mexican Vacay, details about the boys and me and Chris. I need to light a fire under it, can't be a good blog without key details! Talk to you soon!