Thursday, August 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Momma!

Most of you know, I'm a momma's girl! Always have been and always will be, my mom is my very best friend and one of my favorite people in the world. Her 60th birthday was last week, so my brother and I decided to be coniving and throw her a big party....a surprise one at that! She is always planning things and doing things for others, so we thought it was about time we did something for her........SHE HAD NO CLUE, it all went perfectly fabulously wonderful!!!

She had NO idea! She thought she was coming to karate....we didn't even tell the boys until that morning.....for obvious reasons!

We also had sort of a "Life in pictures" book made for her. She L-O-V-E-D it!

Mom has been there for evey one of my big moments, she was there and cut the cord on eahc of the boys....even the lil shocker Corbin, below.. :-)

I am so happy that I was able to give her an inkling of how much she is loved and appreciated!

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